Dog Photos
Who doesn't want to share their cute dog photos? It's like when you have a new baby. You just can't resist showing pictures of him or her to anybody you can get to look. So here's your chance to show off your cute dog and tell your dog adoption story. I adopted my cute dog from a shelter. If she could talk, she'd tell you that she adopted us. She put her paw through a hole in her "condo" and said, "Take me, take me." And then she was on her best behavior when we walked by the cat condo. She must have heard that we had a cat and could only take her home if she could get along with her. Very smart move, because that was the deciding factor. We took her home that day. And I'm so glad. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love her. Ask my daughters. They'll tell you I love her more than I love them. Only sometimes. My dog doesn't talk back, and she always listens, (she doesn't always do what I ask, but that's besides the point). And she goes with me everywhere. Try getting a teenage girl to spend the whole weekend alone with their mother. I love sharing my dog photos of Sydney. She's adorable. Who wouldn't want to look at pictures of her? Now it's your chance to show your pictures and tell your dog adoption story. Do you feel like your dog adopted you? Where did you find her and how did you decide to bring her home? Tell us your story. Go ahead, show your cute pictures too. Brag all you want. That's what I do. See my cute dog in dress up and hiking, and just being her cute self.
That's Syd and me.

Sydney on her 8 mile hike with her girls.

Snowy days with Sydney.

Syd's fashion statement.

Where did you adopt your dog?
I'm always so curioius about people's dog adoption stories. I got my great dog from N.O.A.H., a no-kill shelter about an hour north of Seattle. She put her paw through the hole in the plexi-glass and said, "Pick me, pick me." and so we did! What's your story?
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